Capture by beauty

capture by the beautyNaturstein
September 2013

Granit communication campaign
Marmi Rossi: Another World!

Sun, sea, uncontaminated landscape, how can one not be captured by the beauty of  Nature?


The Pebbles, the mini characters, are animating the advertising campaign of  Marmi Rossi in 2013, they reflect all this beauty, so that we are able to see the thousands of colours and colour shades and structures of granite designed by geological evolution.

It is summertime and we’re looking forward to our holidays,  when we’ll finally relax, forget about our work and listen to the gentle or roaring sound of the waves soothing us.

Precisely with this sound Mother Nature had created our surroundings.

Such sound was produced during the eruption of the volcanoes millions of years ago, when the magma was originated.

Exactly this sound was generated during the slow and unstoppable metamorphosis of our earth when time and natural forces have formed the granite.

This time the veins, the pointilism and  the grey and ivory colour shades of Sierra Nevada are forming a wave-washed beach before a sky blue and transparent sea, where one has no other choice than to lie down and simply enjoy life!

  • backstage september_marmirossi
  • backstage marmirossi_september
  • shooting september
  • shooting marmirossi_september